About Me

what I do

I Work With You to Create a Custom Nutrition Plan & Healthy Habits

The word nutrition is fraught with misconceptions, misunderstandings, and misinformation. Creating a positive relationship with food can be difficult, but it certainly doesn’t have to be, and you don’t have to do it alone. Sitting down with an expert can help you navigate the conflicting information and advice that’s out there. I will help you sort out a food and supplement plan designed specifically for your needs and your lifestyle


Weight Loss

We all know how hard losing weight can be. You may have been told to try a ketogenic diet, a paleo diet, or a low-fat diet. Having an expert guide you through the conflicting information and teach you how to eat for your individual body and lifestyle can be the difference between successfully losing weight and returning to old habits.

Lifestyle Management

I fully believe that optimum health is so much more than just the food on your plate. We will talk about exercise, relationships, stress management and any other components of your life that impact your health and wellness.

Weight Maintenance

Unfortunately losing weight isn’t the end of the weight loss road.  Often times keeping the weight off can be just as challenging for clients. Let me help you create a sustainable plan based on making choices and developing habits you can actually maintain (and will want to maintain).

 What Can I Expect

Custom Plans & Coaching for Your Specific Goals

Healthy diets and a balanced lifestyle are important for preventing some of the most common diseases we face as a society such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and autoimmune conditions like arthritis. I believe that the body has an innate drive to heal itself given the right tools. While I could never guarantee a specific outcome, I will work with you to meet your health goals, increase energy, lose weight, lower inflammation and improve your overall health. I will help support you with goal setting and staying accountable. You will receive nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations tailored to meet your specific needs.

Meet Diana

Licensed Dietitian & Integrative Nutritionist

Hey there! My name is Diana Weil and I specialize in integrative and holistic nutrition. I have a Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health with a focus on clinical nutrition. I am also a Licensed Dietitian, certified Health Coach and a yoga instructor.

I grew up in the desert with an eccentric family who prioritized health, adventures, and creativity. Food was a central focus in my family, with dinner being the main way to connect with one another. I remember pouring over recipes and cookbooks with my father from a very young age and deciding which meals we should cook. There was never a moment when I didn’t love cooking or food. I used to daydream that he owned a restaurant where I could work while taking orders on roller skates. The restaurant became a reality; thankfully the roller skates did not.

After graduating college with an interesting, but impractical degree in Anthropology from the University of Colorado, I headed to Costa Rica for an intensive yoga teacher training. Feeling inspired after two months in the jungle I began my health coaching career. It was an amazing year-long process where I learned that nutrition is so much more than counting calories.

Becoming a health coach was a wonderful experience, but after the year-long certification process, I knew I wanted more. I wanted to learn about the science behind nutrition and why we make certain choices. I wanted to learn how to support clients dealing with serious diseases. I soon enrolled in a Master of Nutrition program in order to become a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Licensed Dietitian. 

We are so often blindsided by the image that health is reserved for the wealthy, for those who can afford to shop at Whole Foods and have glorious kitchens to cook in (or maybe that last part is just me). I’ve learned that being healthy is more complex than just looking at the nutrients on your plate and that sometimes the absolute best thing you can do is to eat that chocolate cake. It’s about balance, not deprivation. I’ve learned that I can make drool-worthy meals in a 4′ X 11′ kitchen. And that I can shop somewhere else besides “whole paycheck” and still find quality, yet affordable ingredients.

Everyone has the ability to be healthy, and we all get to define what that is for ourselves. Whether you are vegan, gluten-free, or a full-blown carnivore I want to be a part of your journey. Nutrition can change someone’s whole world. And I want to be a part of that change.


My Approach

As a nutritionist and dietitian trained in integrative wellness, my approach is a little different. I believe that everyone has the innate ability to heal themselves and that food is medicine. I use a whole-person approach to healing. This means we will discuss your diet, medical history, and laboratory work as well as other aspects of your life such as relationships, exercise, how you’re sleeping, and what your stress levels are like. I am truly dedicated to seeing you succeed.

Unique Qualifications

  • Licensed Dietitian in the state of Maryland
  • Certified Dietitian in the state of Utah
  • Board Certified Nutrition Specialist 
  • Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health with a focus on human clinical nutrition
  • Member of the American Nutrition Association
  • Certified Health Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition
  • BA from the University of Colorado
“It’s not just that she’s my daughter. Diana has conscientiously followed a healthy lifestyle since she was very young. Aside from her formal studies of nutrition and integrative health and wellness, she has become an accomplished cook, a practitioner and teacher of yoga, a devoted wilderness explorer, and a skilled guide for those wanting to maintain optimum health. Clients I’ve referred to her have all been impressed by her knowledge and experience.”
Dr. Andrew Weil

“Working with Diana was life-changing. I learned that my body doesn’t work well with dairy. I no longer feel bloated and have energy all day long. I’m so glad I worked with her.”

Salt Lake City, UT

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my session last?

Your first in-depth consultation will be around 1.5 hours. After your first session, you can decide how much support you would like. Choosing anything from weekly meetings with tons of accountability to a more independent approach and checking in when needed. 

how much does a session cost?

An initial consultation costs $225.

A 40-minute follow-up visit costs $150.

Packages for multiple sessions are also available.

For more information please click here.

What can I expect if we work together?

I will work with you to meet your health goals, increase energy, lose weight, lower inflammation, and overall optimize your health. I will help support you with goal setting and staying accountable. When working together you will receive nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations tailored to meet your specific needs. 

will my insurance cover this visit?

I do not participate with any insurance companies. I accept credit cards or cash for consultations. I am happy to give you a receipt of services in order to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

Do you work with children?

Absolutely! Whether you are looking for nutritional support for a child with ADD, allergies, or a picky eater I can help.

How many follow-up visits will i need?

This will depend on your individual needs. Some clients looking to lose weight or combat a specific ailment should expect to come every 1-2 weeks for 3 months. Clients looking for general health and well-being may only need 2-3 sessions. As the focus moves towards maintaining wellness, clients can come in seasonally to learn how to care for their bodies with food. 

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